Wardroble stylist, Kristen Kaleal
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. That’s great advice. But, the truth is: during a job interview or networking opportunity we do often judge a book by its cover. So, while it is important to say all of the right things during your job interview and networking opportunities; your actions and body language often speak much louder. Rather than bemoaning this simple truth of human nature, learn to use it to your advantage.
The First Seven Seconds
How you present yourself – from grooming and dress to body language and level of confidence – plays a major role in how others will evaluate you during an initial meeting.
“You have approximately seven seconds in which to make a good first impression,” says wardrobe stylist, Kristen Kaleal. “That’s the amount of time it takes to shake somebody’s hand and then take a seat. That’s before we’ve had a chance to thell them how great we are or how qualified we are. It’s before we’ve had a chance to become ourselves.”
The initial impression made in that first seven seconds will often lay the foundation for the remainder of your interview or first meeting. If the impression made is less than favorable, you’ll spend the next seven minutes trying to overcome the poor impression made during those first seven seconds. The good news? You have a say when it comes to how others think of you.
Continue reading on Examiner.com: Fashion a favorable first impression – Raleigh job search | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/job-search-in-raleigh/fashion-a-favorable-first-impression#ixzz1GoRl5AcE