Monthly Archives: April 2011

Can Social Media Help Your Business?

Are you a social media wallflower?

Photo courtesy of razzledazzlerose.

Nearly every business (the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker) should be engaging current and potential customers via social media. Businesses like Southwest Airlines and Best Buy have jumped onto Facebook and Twitter and used it to fully engage customers. But not everyone is convinced of the merits of social media.

Perhaps your business is still standing on the sidelines – like a social media wallflower – awaiting concrete proof that social media is worth the time and investment. I’ll make this simple… it is, when done right. Approach Facebook like a rank amateur with no plan and no clear purpose in mind and it will become a huge time suck and a waste of valuable resources. Work with a social media expert to create a well-defined plan to engage your customer and you’ve got yourself an interactive portal into the wants and needs of your customer. (An important step if you hope to get them to open their wallets to you).

Read Has Social Media Helped Your Business? on for powerful enticement to put a toe in the waters of social media. Then request your free social media consultation to discover how we can help you implement a social media plan for your business.

In the words of prolific hip-hop lyricist, Drake, “The bandwagon’s full but you can try and run behind it.” Just don’t wait too long or your customers may be on your competitor’s bandwagon.